Information about the Inclusivity Index for Students

This survey will help us learn about your views of the school and what goes on while you are there. You should give answers that are yours alone, and not influenced by what other students or teachers think. No one will ever link any of your responses back to you.

The survey first gathers your views of the school and then has a second section that asks how you describe yourself.  Combining these inputs allows us to analyze the results from the view of groups you say you are part of.  Pulling together the responses of every student in the school means we have a picture of the total school experience through your eyes.  It will reveal information that teachers and staff aren’t aware of and don’t fully understand.  The whole process is meant to help your school be better for everyone.

We expect you will find some of the choices on the survey are hard.  That is normal.  The survey is not a test. it may be difficult to make a choice, but simply do your best and select one. There are no right or wrong answers. You’re not going to be graded or judged in any way. Just do your best, make your choices, and then move forward.

Once you see the final survey page you can exit the survey and you are finished .

If you want to know more, view the video on this page.